Billy & the Kids
Watch the trailer to ‘Billy and the Kids’. A New Zealand International Film Festival documentary about champion coach, Billy Graham, and our champion kids.

4 academies + 6 affiliates
1 vision
“Champion Young People, Contributing To Their Communities”
The Billy Graham Youth Foundation has many communities wanting to establish an academy - help us grow our reach throughout New Zealand…
1,878 kids
(…and counting)

BGYF Foundation or Local Academy Donations

Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.
Although BGYF and it’s academies have only been going a few years, there is already a strong legacy of members becoming leaders within the organisation, and throughout the broader community.

Annual Report
Dedicated to change.
As a registered charitable foundation, BGYF is required to file annually, a statement of its financial affairs. Please feel free to contact us for any specific questions you may have about our organisation, the people, or its operation.